This site shares our work to build a just and sustainable community farm in Northern Illinois. Our mission is to participate in the renewal and restoration of land hunted by the Potawatomi and for decades cultivated by the great 19th-century bee-keeper C. C. Miller. We're Root and Sky Farm (est. 2017), growing animals, grass, trees, produce, and bees to improve the land in beauty and fruitfulness. We’ve got a good story about the name, too.

Our farm goals are

  • To help grow and raise just, delicious food that can help people eat in ways that align with their values.

  • To build welcoming, diverse communities of neighbors, farmers, and artists.

  • To pursue sustainable farming methods in a changing climate.

And, of course, we hope to somehow survive financially as we go along.

And you? In the words of Robert Frost, you come too.

We communicate with our customers largely through our monthly newsletter where up-to-date inventory and pricing information joins farm updates, stories, and pictures. It also contains information about our monthly home-deliveries. Email to subscribe.